[8] 남정현, 조연우, 제13회 한국유체공학학술대회 우수논문상 수상 (2024.7.26)
[7] Jaeho Chung (정재호) was appointed as an assistant professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering at Yonam Institute of Technology 연암공과대학교 기계공학과 조교수 임용 (2022.9.1). https://me.kaist.ac.kr/news/news_020100.html?bmain=view&uid=517
[6] Dong Min Shin (신동민) was appointed as an assistant professor in the department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering at Gyeongsang National University 경상국립대학교 에너지기계공학과 조교수 임용 (2022.9.1). https://me.kaist.ac.kr/news/news_020100.html?bmain=view&uid=516
[5] David Nagarathinam was appointed as an assistant professor in the department of Aerospace Engineering at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (2022.8.10).
[4] Youn J. Kang (강윤정) was appointed as an assistant professor in the department of Ocean System Engineering at Jeju National University. 제주대학교 해양시스템공학과 조교수 임용 (2022.3.1)
[3] Youn J. Kang (강윤정) gave the representative speech at KAIST commencement (2020.8.28) https://www.donga.com/news/Society/article/all/20200827/102683702/1
[2] Youn J. Kang (강윤정) won the Best Presentation Student Award in the 15th Asian Symposium on Visualization (2019.9.28)
[1] Jaeho Chung (정재호) and Dong Min Shin (신동민) won the Excellent Student paper Award from the Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics (2013.11.15)